Services are Provided by Appointment Only
While we would normally allow walk-ins, to ensure that we can control the flow of traffic to our spa, all of the services are by appointment only.
COVID-19 Prevention Procedures
All people entering our physical location are required to wear a mask
Anytime a customer enters our premises will need to wear a mask. If you don't have a mask, we will provide one to you at the entrance.
We will check your temperature and screen in accordance to the San Francisco Health Order before providing service
We will be checking your temperature with a non-contract infrared thermometer, and asking a few questions ensuring that you are healthy. Service will be refused to anyone who has a body temperature of 100F (37.8C) or more.
Staff will be wearing coveralls that will be replaced after every client
To prevent the spread of COVID-19 in between customers, our staff will be wearing coveralls that will cover their entire body except their head. The coveralls will be replaced after each client.
Staff will be wearing face shields and masks
To further prevent the spread and add additional protection, the staff will be wearing face shields and masks.
Rooms will be cleaned up and disinfected after every client
Once we are done with providing services to a client in a room, we will make sure to not only clean it up, but to disinfect it.
Reception area and every service room contain hand sanitizer and paper towels
Staff will ensure to sanitize their hands before and after providing the service. Customers are also encouraged to sanitize their hands as they enter the establishment.
Each room has a HEPA Air Purifier
While we also have vents that help circulate air, we also installed HEPA Air Purifier to ensure that the air on the room is clean.